Friday, February 5, 2010

The Box Step (2)

The house is quieter now and we barely speak. As the time went by, I was more and more aware of there being something missing in our relationship. I had felt this in 1983 (it is 2008) and I guess it never went away, I just ignored it. Hoping it would get better. But I was still beating my head against a wall. I used to blame the Navy for our problems but I believe now we never emotionally bonded (at least I don't think he did) and it was easy for him to be away from me and the family. I was too emotionally attached to him and I eventually lost myself.

Before I was married I was an independent, strong woman and gradually became nervous, self-conscience and afraid of life. I don't blame my ex but I ended up disappearing. I was wrapped up in the details of raising children and keeping a house running while he was away. Then when they were gone, the distance was as wide as a canyon. I became more withdrawn, he drank more. We didn't even talk about not talking. We just ignored it - hoping for I don't know what.

Then in early 2008 I just knew there was something going on. He was secretive - more than usual. All of the sudden he wanted a cell phone when he thought they were just a nusance. I felt he was hiding more than his smoking, which I always knew he did. Suddenly he is interested in going to work parties and cookouts but mysteriously I am not invited. Since my secret career wish was to be a detective, I knew I had to find out what was going on. Part of me didn't want to know but I had to. One evening when he was sleeping soundly I got his phone, went to the other side of the house and nervously searched his text messages. My heart was beating so fiercely I just knew he could hear it. Yes, I confirmed it - he had found another woman.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. Eleanor Roosevelt

1 comment:

  1. Vicki, You are off to a good start. It is brave of you to share, so that someone else may have the courage to leave a relationship that gives nothing back, and is more lonely than being alone. You should also show the Anais Nin saying that I had on my bathroom wall. It was so true for me, and also for you. I'm glsd you stopped settling for crumbs and left overs. You deserve the banquet. You go, girl!!!!!!!
