Sunday, February 7, 2010

Journey (8)

In addition to finding a great counselor, I also went back to church. I was raised in a small Baptist church so I know my Bible and was baptized at a young age. I know religion is not for everyone but it helped me. I really consider myself more spiritual now than religious because I don’t like all the politics and doctrine influence.

My ex was raised in another Christian religion and was not interested in keeping up with it, so I let myself get out of the habit of going. When he was active duty and it was just me and girls I did get them to church so they do have that background. They are spiritual and believe in their own way. There is more to being a Christian than attending church and reading the Bible. I taught my children to be accepting of all, not to judge others, and to be open and generous to all. I hope I live Christ’s message and follow His direction every day.

In the beginning of the divorce I had no one that could give me enough comfort. Instead of blaming God for my problems and loss of my marriage, I needed to be close to God and feel His warmth. Now I was alone and could do what I wanted. I kind of liked that. I decided to go back to church. I visiting the downtown Baptist church I used to attend, listening to the pastor and hearing the music. The pastor is young and the music great.

After a few weeks I decide to find the Bible class for singles over 50. I follow my guide and am greeted by a great group of people that make me feel very welcome. They were all in the same boat just at different stages. I was able to share my fears and angst over being single again.

I also started reading more spiritual books. Max Lucado and Joel Osteen became my favorites. They were positive, uplifting words when all I heard in my head was negative.

The class encouraged me to be social again and if I needed to talk about my situation they were patient and understanding. But I didn’t share anything for a long time. Not that I didn’t think they would listen or help it was just I still couldn’t say I was a divorced person. I was concentrating on healing with my counselor so I didn’t need to talk about it on Sunday mornings. And I enjoyed being sort of anonymous – no one knowing anything about me unless I told them. I also concentrated on prayer and enjoying those quiet moments during the service when my emotions seemed to calm down.

The class name was perfect – Journey. That is what I was on and I realized I wasn’t alone.

God I am trusting You. I believe that You are in control. Even though I don’t understand this and it’s not necessarily something I may have chosen, I’m going to stick with it, and with Your help, I will maintain a good attitude.

1 comment:

  1. Vicki - What a great blog! I'm sure it will be an encouragement to others.

    One of the greatest things about Journey is the wide range of life experiences. We have a sizable number of those who have been widowed, as well as never married and divorced. It is that diversity that is our strength, as we learn from one another what it is to lean on God for everything, knowing that He is the only One who can make us whole. With Him in our lives, we are never truly alone because He is with each of us not only in our spiritual journey, but in our individual life journey.

    It helps so much to have a community of followers of Christ to keep each of us grounded and focused on Him and His purposes.
